The course

Module 1: Regain an amazing home and work life through stress management

Week 1-4

In this first module, you'll begin by setting your intentions, deciding how your life will look as you conquer the challenges that have been negatively affecting you. We begin by addressing the stress and anxiety that are at the root of the problem and explore methods of reducing stress, overcoming overwhelm, and using various techniques such as hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming to find new ways to deal with the pressures that are causing the problem so they no longer have the same effect on you.

Task 1

Task 2

Practical session

Ideas session


Practical session

Practical session

Task 3

90minute session

Module 2: Kicking the reliance on nicotine or alcohol

Goal setting - what you want to achieve. 

Setting the benchmark

Identifying what triggers you to feel stress and your reactions - journaling what, where and when including food and drink.

Using Breathwork to manage stress by activating the parasympathetic system.

Art and colour therapy

Practical ways to reduce your stress

Meditation - yoga nidra.

Yin yoga techniques to slow and focus your mind.

The importance of sleep - sleep diary

Hypnotherapy and NLP to overcome stress and set healthier intentions

You can choose to give up your dependency on tobacco or alcohol in this second module. You'll begin by setting your intentions, deciding what your life will look like once you're free of these limiting chemicals. We begin by investigating why you began using tobacco, vaping, or alcohol. What you liked and disliked about it before considering how it makes you feel now and the effects it has on your life. We'll look at how much this habit has cost you before looking into alternatives that will fulfil the same need that nicotine or alcohol do. Finally, you will have a hypnosis/NLP session to help you stop smoking/vaping and reduce or stop alcohol use.

Week 5&6

Week 5&6


Task 4

Task 5

Task 6

Practical session


90 minute session

Task 7


Task 4

Task 5

Task 6

Practical session


90 minute session

Task 7

Module 3: Healthy eating to support the changes

In this module, we will look at how changing your diet can help you overcome stressors in your life, as well as adapt it to account for the extra calories you need to lose from your daily intake as a result of eliminating nicotine from your life, or to help you lose those extra pounds that have slowly been building up as a result of your alcohol consumption. We can see where we can make small changes that add up, how we can swap empty calorie laden foods for taste filled superfoods that will help your body recover from either of these chemical laden habits by using a food diary. We will look at how certain foods can improve your mood, concentration, and sleep.

Option A Smoking and Vaping

Understanding stress and smoking or vaping - the role of nicotine

Mindset - think about why you started smoking and why you still smoke. Identify all the reasons you want to quit and all the objections. Diary how many times this week do you wake up with a cough, or tight chest or feeling sluggish.

Start identifying all the triggers that drive the habit - what, where and when. Calculate how many times a day you smoke or vape a day and for how long.

Money and smoking/vaping - work out how much you have spent and what you want to spend that money on instead.

Breathwork techniques to overcome the muscle memory of the habit and improve your lung function. Feel yourself slow down.

The importance of hydration to help your lung recover and to flush out those radicals and chemicals.

Set the date - stop smoking/vaping hypnotherapy and NLP

Mindset - journal all the changes and thoughts and feeling you have rising up over the week

Option B: Reliance on Alcohol.

Understanding stress and drinking.

Mindset - think about why you started drinking, what it is about your chosen drink that you enjoy and what has changed so that you drink more than you should. Identify all the reasons you want to reduce or stop drinking alcohol and all the objections. Diary how many times this week you have woken up feeling sluggish or with a headache.

Start identifying all the triggers that drive the habit - what, where, when and why. Identify how many units you are drinking a week. Be honest! 

Money and alcohol - work out how much you have spent and what you want to spend that money on instead.

Breathwork techniques to help you slow down and relax.

The importance of hydration and consider alternatives.

Set the date - healthy relationship with alcohol hypnotherapy and NLP

Mindset - journal all the changes and thoughts and feeling you have rising up over the week

Week  7&8

Check In

Task 8



Task 9



90 minute session.

Task 10

Accountability session. Reflection on how you are feeling. What you have discovered, thoughts, feelings, challenges, wins!

Food diary time!Count the calories: Stopping smoking means you have another 200–250 kcal you need to burn a day - that’s a Mars bar! This is also a good way to reduce your intake if you want to the lose weight you have gained through alcohol consumption or comfort eating if they have been your go-to to relieve stress.

Avoid the scales - the psychology

Sense of smell and taste. Keep a diary of how food tastes and smells and whether it is changing.

Food, drink, and choices - what to avoid, what will help with sleep, emotions, and a healthy body.

Healthy snacks, food choices and hydration.

Set the date - healthy relationship with food - hypnotherapy and NLP

Mindset - journal all the changes and thoughts and feeling you have rising up over the week

Module 4: Improve health and fitness.

Improving your health and fitness will help to increase your vitality, concentration, and focus, as well as provide ways to relieve stress before it accumulates. The significance of healthy sleeping and resting patterns is also discussed. This module will include a hypnotherapy session in which you can choose what you want to work on. It could be anything from the previous modules that you need help with, or it could be finding the motivation to exercise more. Alternatively, if something else has arisen that you believe is limiting you and that you wish to be removed.

Week  9&10

Check In

Task 11



Task 12



90 minute session

Task 13

Module 5: Mindset Magic

Accountability session. Reflection on how you are feeling. What you have discovered, thoughts, feelings, challenges, wins!

Start off gently - walking - count those stepsWays to increase your walking before, during and after work

Get a health checkup. Let’s get a baseline

Take the stairs and see how many it takes before you’re puffing. Keep a diary!

Choose what floats your boat!

Sleep, rest and napping

Optional hypnosis session for any challenges that have surfaced from any of the modules. Can be one specific issue or a combination depending on your needs.

Mindset - journal all the changes and thoughts and feeling you have rising up over the week

In this final module, we will work on improving your mindset so that you can flip those negative emotions that the subconscious mind loves to boost in order to keep you safe. We investigate your perceived strengths and weaknesses, as well as your positive and negative feelings about yourself and the underlying causes of these feelings. This module combines mirror work, visualization/meditation, and NLP/hypnotherapy to help you overcome any limiting thoughts, feelings, or past traumas that have kept you from being the confident, self-assured person you should be. We will work on increasing your self-esteem and self-worth so that stressful situations are easier to deal with and overcome.

Week  11&12

Check In

Task 14


90 minute session

Practical work

60 minute session

Task 15

Accountability session. Reflection on how you are feeling. What you have discovered, thoughts, feelings, challenges, wins!

Your qualities and characteristics. 

Make a list of negative and positive feelings you have about yourself, and try to make the positive list longer than the negative! 

Identify why you feel this way. 

Identify your strengths and weaknesses and make a list of what you can do to turn your weaknesses into strengths.

Identify what you want to achieve and what you need to achieve this.

The importance of self-care and self-love. Reflections on how your professional and personal life has changed since starting this journey.

Achieving your full potential - Hypnotherapy/NLP

Mirror work - what have you noticed since you stopped smoking/vaping or reduced your alcohol consumption - skin, hair, breath, clothes. Look in the mirror and embrace who you are and what you have achieved throughout your life

Visualisation - refresh, renewal, reinvented, reborn

Mindset -continue to record your journey and see how far you have come. Record the challenges and see how you can use the tools and skills you have learnt to work with your subconscious.

Celebrating Your Journey

Those 12 weeks will have flown by and now it is time to look back and celebrating your wins and all the challenges you have overcome.

I am here to support you on your journey. even after you have finished this program. You will always have access to the group to pop in whenever you want and the program will always be here to go over again.

And once a month, I will be popping up either in your WhatsApp or Messenger, depending on what your prefer just to see how you are getting on...

The process begins with you!

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