
My name's Clare and my mission is to transform lives by turning stress around on its head.

So let's talk a little bit about stress… everybody deals with stress, every day of their lives. Some of it is beneficial, and some of it is overpowering.

It very much depends on what the outside factors are that are causing you to increase the amount of stress and the amount of downtime and sleep you have that allows your brain to file it away, so it is not carried over to the next day. If it is carried over to the next day then your stress bucket will already have stress in there. So it will take less and less stress each day to fill up before it gets to the point where you physically cannot carry on with the amount of stress in your life. 

Some stress as I said is good: the stress you have after you've pushed your body during exercise, stress when you've done something exciting like go to the theme park and go on a really really whizzy ride that increases the amount of stress you experience but you enjoy it because of the thrill and it comes down to your flight and flight response; those of you that are adrenaline junkies will love the stress that's caused by going on one of those rides that turn you upside down and you hang underneath and then there are other people who are absolutely terrified. When it comes to stress, it is the negative stress that can overwhelm you.

So what can we do about it? Firstly, we learn what stress is; about how it is part of your reptilian primitive mind: it's the caveman in you that hammers on the big red button labeled “Fight or Flight”; the seven-year-old child in you that can overload and reduce you to a gibbering wreck. Too much stress will lead to anxiety: stress and anxiety are two different things but we can talk about that another time. 

For now, let’s just address stress: stress can affect your health: your mental health, your physical health, butterflies, gastric upsets, migraines, tension headaches, and loss of sleep; all these things can be down to stress, so by learning what stress is, you can then look at it and go, Okay, I know what this is. How do I turn this around? I've identified my pain points. So what do I do about it?

What are my desired outcomes for each of those stress points? This is something that we plan to work through in my group and the various tools and techniques you can learn and use such as hypnotherapy, meditation, breathwork, art therapy, and NLP tools that are used such as anchoring, swish technique, and many others that could help you deal with it on a day to day basis. 

So if you feel this is you, that you want to learn more about what stress is and what you can do about it, then subscribe to my newsletter, Silencing the Chatter, or if you are ready to regain control of your life and find balance, contact me to see how I can help with solution-focused therapy.

So what do you say?