As autumn approaches, take the chance to dump stress and start the journey into the the shorter days of the year with a session of stress busting transformation.

The year is moving on again as we start back into the new academic year and autumn is just around the corner.

So for all you parents that have run out of oomph at the end of the school holidays, take advantage of a 1:1 session of hypnotherapy and neurolinguistic programming that will allow you to:

Let go of 6 weeks of:

Finding food they will all eat!

Hearing the words, “I’m bored!”

Balancing the budget with the cost of going out.

All the extra tidying up that goes with children off school.

Having to find the tact and patience to deal with the negotiations and arguments.

Juggling everyday demands with keeping the kids amused and entertained.

The stress that goes with getting the kids ready to go back to school.

I hear you!

I know what that’s like!

So as we head into autumn, take advantage of an hour of hypnotherapy and NLP that will allow you to reset, release and relax.

An online session booked at a time convenient to you in the comfort of your own home!


Ready to Reset?

Click to schedule your 60 minute stress busting session
